My "Valotin" Haircare Routine - Part 4 - By Dr. Alyaa Ragab

  Valotin Deep Conditioning

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Step 4. Cut out what is holding you back


They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.


If you change your hair care products but continue your damaging habits, how can you expect to see real change? It’s like changing your toothpaste but continuing to drink soda every day.


I’m not suggesting you grow out your natural color or ditch your favorite styling tool. After all, working towards healthy hair is about feeling confident about your hair. Do whatever makes you feel confident - but in moderation.


If you feel as though you must color your locks, consider a darker color rather than bleach. Otherwise, consider a low maintenance style like balayage, or a shorter chop. If you straighten your hair daily, consider straightening once a week and use products to make the straight last. Another idea is to wear your hair up on the days you don’t use heat.


Another important factor to consider is your diet. They say you are what you eat and this absolutely applies to hair. Hair looks and feels its best when it is being nourished from both the inside and outside. Using diet or supplements can help provide your hair with the nutrients it needs from within.


In short, long silky hair can be achieved - with extra care.


Above all else, the aim should be to have hair that feels and looks great. No matter how long your hair is, great-looking hair simply can’t be achieved when strands are dry and damaged.


The Valotin system went a long way for me in achieving strong hair that shines. Yet for all of the hard work your shampoo & conditioner does, you also need to put in hard yards. Diet, styling tools, and trims all play a massive part. It is all worth it in the end to have hair you are proud of.


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