What to Drink to Last Longer in Bed

A common goal for many guys is to stay in the sheets longer, even though our ideas about how long sex should last are often way off. So, sex that lasts between 3 and 13 minutes is thought to be "normal," with 5.4 minutes being the average (a little longer if you're younger and a little shorter if you're older).

You may have seen videos or read pieces online that told lies about what you can drink to help you stay in bed longer. First, let's get something straight: as of now, no studies have found a direct link between taking certain drinks and having more sexual energy. In general, what you eat and drink doesn't have much of an effect on how well you perform in bed.

Still, some studies show that some drinks may be better for your health compared to others. These studies look at health issues like blood pressure that are linked to sexual health. In a roundabout way, drinking these drinks might help with sexual function. What's the harm in giving them a try? Plus, they often say they're good for your health in other ways.

Now that we've cleared that up, let's look at ten drinks that might help you stay in bed longer.


What to drink to last longer in bed

Now that you know about the drinks that might indirectly make you last longer in bed, it's helpful to know how erections and ejaculation work. Just a quick review:

When you're excited, your brain sends a message to your body that makes chemicals react. It makes the muscles in your penis loosen up and get bigger, which lets blood flow in and fill it up. When this happens, the tubes that let blood leave your penis become stiffer. This blocks the blood flow, making an erection hard. If something goes wrong with that process, it can lead to erectile dysfunction (ED), which means you can't get or stay hard enough for making love. Everyone has a different idea of what makes sex satisfying, but if you can't hold off ejaculation for more than three minutes, it could mean that you're ejaculating too soon.




There are two important things to keep in mind whether you think you have ED, PE, or both:

Both of them are common.

There are safe and effective treatments available for both. 

If you want to learn more about drinks that will help you last longer, keep reading. The drinks below may not directly affect your ability to get or keep an erection or stop ejaculation, but they can help with other parts of the process, like improving your cardiovascular health, blood flow, or stamina, so you can keep thrusting. Let's start.

1. Water

It turns out that water is important for both our physical and sexual health. Drinking enough water can lower your blood pressure and improve blood flow to your muscles, both of which can affect your erections.

Try coconut water instead of plain old water if you get bored with it. Coconut has been used for a long time to treat impotence and ED because it has a lot of antioxidants. And research on rats showed that it improved a number of sexual actions, such as mounting, penetration, and ejaculation.


2. Pomegranate Juice

Grapefruit juice is full of plant polyphenols and vitamins. Regularly eating pomegranate extract has been shown in animal studies to lower oxidative stress, boost blood flow to the penis, and make smooth muscle relaxation better, all of which improve the erectile reaction.

Men with mild to moderate ED who took part in a small study said their erections got better after drinking pomegranate juice for two months. Even though that sounds good, the researchers said that statistical significance was not reached, which means they couldn't say for sure that the juice caused the better erections. A small study of men who got penile implants also shows that drinking pomegranate juice may help men with ED who don't get better results from PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra or Cialis.



3. Green Tea

Green tea, like pomegranate juice, is full of vitamins, polyphenols, and other micronutrients that may help people with ED. In one study, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the most powerful antioxidant in green tea, was taken out and given to rats. Researchers found that it improved different signs of the rats' erectile performance after three months, such as the relaxation of smooth muscle.

So, instead of coffee, you might want to try a cup of green tea or, even better, matcha, which is green tea powder that is highly concentrated.



4. Ginseng Tea

You could try ginseng tea instead of green tea if you don't like it. It's also possible to buy ginseng by itself or as a supplement.

Researchers looked at nine studies of men with mild to moderate ED between the ages of 20 and 70 and found that those who ate the root were more likely to say they were able to have sex better and were slightly happier with it. The researchers did say, though, that ginseng might not have much of an effect on erectile failure and function compared to a placebo.



5. Sweet Yohimbe Tea

Yohimbe tea may also help you stay in bed longer, though there isn't a lot of evidence to support this. Yohimbine, which is found in the wood of the yohimbe tree, has been used as an aphrodisiac in Africa for a long time.

Yohimbe is better than a placebo at helping erectile dysfunction, but some studies have found that it needs to be taken with other supplements for it to really work.


6. Ashwagandha Tea

You can also add ashwagandha powder to tea to see if it helps your erections and sexual endurance. In Ayurvedic medicine, the herb has been used for a long time to improve health, make muscles stronger, and increase stamina. All of these things can help you stay awake longer during sex.

But the study isn't all that clear. Many studies have shown that ashwagandha doesn't have a big effect on other signs of sexual performance, like fatigue, sexual well-being, or psychogenic ED (erectile dysfunction caused by stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental issues). However, some studies have found that it does raise serum testosterone levels and improve sexual health.

7. Beetroot Juice

There are studies that show the nitrates in beetroot juice can lower blood pressure in both healthy people and people who already have high blood pressure. ED is strongly linked to high blood pressure. ED can be caused by either the high blood pressure itself or the medicines used to control it.

So, drinking beetroot juice might be good for your heart and your ability to get and keep an erection.


8. Maca Root Powder Smoothie


Roots from the mustard family, like maca extract, were used as an aphrodisiac in the Andes in the past. It comes in powder form that you can mix into your morning drink.

In one study, 50 men with mild ED were given either maca powder or a sugar pill to see which worked better. After 12 weeks, both groups of men had better erectile function, but the benefit was stronger in the men who took the maca root than in the men who took the placebo. Also, only the guys in the maca group said they did better in both physical and social activities.

A different look at clinical studies that used maca, on the other hand, found that there isn't much evidence that it can improve sexual function.


9. Watermelon juice

Watermelon has a lot of L-citrulline, an amino acid that helps the body make more nitric oxide. So, nitric oxide makes your blood vessels loosen up, which can help blood get to your penis better during sex.

A small study of men with mild ED found that taking L-citrulline tablets made their erections stronger, but not as much as PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra or Cialis. They also had more sex while they were getting treatment, which is a good side effect that we can all agree on.


10. Aloe vera

It's the same aloe vera plant that you find in creams and lotions. It may also help with your sexual endurance.

Due to its good effects on testosterone levels and blood flow, the antioxidant has been used as an aphrodisiac. This may help erections in a roundabout way. Aloe vera powder or jelly can be mixed into a juice or a drink.


Does alcohol make you last longer in bed? 

It can also be very hard to get and keep an erection, especially if you drink a lot. Alcohol can make you thirstier and mess up the signals that nerves in the brain and penis send to each other. These two things can make it harder to get hard, which is where the famous "whiskey dick" comes from.It has also been linked to ejaculating too soon and damage to blood vessels, both of which make it harder for blood to flow to the tissues around the penis, which is necessary for getting an erection.



Lesson Summary

A common concern for many men is staying physically intimate for a longer duration, although our perceptions of ideal sex length may be misconstrued. Research suggests that 3 to 13 minutes of sexual activity is considered "normal," with an average duration of 5.4 minutes. Misleading information found online often advocates for certain drinks to enhance sexual performance, yet no scientific evidence supports a direct association between consuming specific beverages and boosting sexual endurance.

  • Despite the lack of direct impact on sexual performance, certain drinks may indirectly aid in improving health factors linked to sexual function, such as blood pressure and cardiovascular health, potentially bolstering sexual vitality.

Understanding the mechanism of erections and ejaculation is crucial. Sexual arousal triggers chemical reactions that facilitate blood flow to the penis, leading to an erection, while issues in this process can result in erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. Treatments are available for both conditions. Here are ten drinks that might contribute to enhancing sexual health:

  1. Water: Amps blood flow and muscle relaxation, potentially benefiting erections.
  2. Pomegranate Juice: May improve erectile response and smooth muscle function.
  3. Green Tea: Rich in antioxidants that could enhance erectile performance.
  4. Ginseng Tea: Might aid in sexual function and satisfaction.
  5. Yohimbe Tea: Utilized historically as an aphrodisiac for erectile dysfunction.
  6. Ashwagandha Tea: Known for enhancing stamina and overall health.
  7. Beetroot Juice: Nitrates in beetroot juice may aid in lowering blood pressure, potentially benefiting erections.
  8. Maca Root Powder: Maca root could enhance erectile function and overall well-being.
  9. Watermelon Juice: Contains L-citrulline, which promotes blood flow to the penis.
  10. Aloe Vera: May contribute to sexual endurance due to its impact on testosterone levels and blood flow.

It's essential to note that while these drinks offer potential benefits, moderation is key. Contrary to popular belief, consuming alcohol excessively can negatively impact sexual performance by interfering with nerve signals and blood vessel function, hampering blood flow to the penile tissues and leading to difficulties in achieving and maintaining an erection.

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