My husband wants to have sex. But I think its too much work, I don’t enjoy it


I’m too self-conscious to do it. I already told him this, but he thinks differently. Should I tell him to stop?

If you never enjoy sex with your husband, there's a problem. So spend some time troubleshooting:

Have you enjoyed sex with anyone else? If so, what's different with your husband?

Did you enjoy sex with your husband in the past? If so, what's different now?

Do you enjoy masturbating? If so, have you shown your husband what feels good for you?

Do you have sexual fantasies? If so, what turns you on? Have you tried incorporating this into sex with your husband?

What do you feel self-conscious about? Your appearance? Not knowing what to do?

Why does sex seem like a lot of work? What exactly are you doing that's so tough? Can you change what you're doing during sex?

Do you feel any desire for your husband?

Have you felt any desire for anyone? If you've never felt sexual desire for anyone, have you considered that you may be asexual?

You might consider seeing a therapist to assist with this troubleshooting.

In the meantime, you'll have to decide if you're willing to have sex even though you apparently don't enjoy it. It sounds like you've been agreeing to it despite your aversion but are getting tired of doing that.

The big issue here is that your husband apparently doesn't care that you don't enjoy it. He's happy to have sex with you even though he knows you find it unpleasant. That says nothing good about him.


Anna Lepeley, PhD, CSCS, CISSN


An exercise and nutrition expert with an extensive background in exercise/nutrition biochemistry

and the science behind libido-enhancing supplements/ingredients.


Anna holds a doctorate in Exercise Biochemistry research from Trident University and specializes

in the physiological and biomechanical aspects behind libido and physical sexual performance, respectively,


Anna has been analyzing research and scientific literature examining the sexual arousal potential influenced by nutraceutical

and dietary supplements for over eight years.


As a keynote speaker, Anna has presented at numerous conferences, dispelling the myths behind purported aphrodisiacs

and ingredients of libido-enhancement products. Anna has also worked for libido-enhancing supplement companies,


legitimizing the ingredients with scientific research and translating the mechanism behind ingredients' efficacy for general




Dr. Karen Vieira, PhD, MSM



"Women interested in restoring lost libido, sexual pleasure and the ability to achieve orgasm now have a safe

and effective therapy with Her Solution. This new supplement formulation combines herbs

and nutritional support ingredients that reinvigorate sexual health,


and promises to be the next big thing for women's sexual enhancement.



A lack of sexual drive can create a strain on both partners, with the female feeling inadequate and the male feeling unwanted.


Lack of regular sexual activity leads to significant psychological stress that extends into therapy visits,


negative feelings and arguments in unrelated areas of life.


However, the underlying reasons for lack of female libido are most often related to physiological rather than psychological factors.


The entire cycle of negative feelings can be thwarted by successfully restoring desire with Her Solution pills.


Her Solution's unique formula is aimed at optimizing all parameters in the female reproductive system.


The herb hops has been shown to normalize estrogen activity, promote desire and relieve vaginal dryness.




Tribulus and "horny goat weed" have both been successfully used as aphrodisiacs, enhancing sexual function and desire.


Mucana pruriens optimizes the production of dopamine, a brain chemical involved in feelings of sexual pleasure.




Her Solution has been proven safe at the recommended dosage and has no significant side effects.


Sexual health plays a large part in quality of life for women of all ages. Rather than accept the decline in libido

and sexual ability caused by aging and other health factors,


I recommend that women choose to improve and restore their libido, well-being and their relationships with Her Solution."
Our products have even been featured on the hit daytime TV show, "The Doctors":



1. What is HerSolution™?



HerSolution™ is a doctor-endorsed daily supplement designed to dramatically increase a woman's desire for sex...

  • Deeply intensifying sexual sensations
  • Increasing vaginal lubrication
  • Speeding total body arousal 
  • Adding passion back to your intimate encounters
  • And putting regular, pleasurable orgasms back within your grasp! 

Simply take one supplement per day and relax as over a period of 60 days, HerSolution™ begins to gently take effect...


... Naturally correcting the many hormonal, nutritional, and stress-induced imbalances

that may be robbing you of the desire for sexual intimacy!





2. How does it work?



HerSolution™ is a proprietary blend of the highest quality herbs, nutrients, and aphrodisiacs, all individually shown

to help balance the hormones and nutrients associated with all aspects of female sexual response.



Women today are faced with extremely busy lives:


We juggle careers, kids, husbands, housework, aging parents, and more – and this leaves us little time to worry about

proper nutrition, never mind exercise!

Plus, we're faced with unavoidable hormonal changes that come...

  • Post-pregnancy
  • As part of monthly menstruation
  • With menopause
  • As a result of exposure to synthetic estrogens 
  • And with poor diet, lack of exercise & stress 

... All of which leave us feeling even more exhausted, run down – and less interested in making time for sex!

That's why HerSolution™ has been formulated to gently and naturally restore BALANCE to your body.



It naturally supplements what your changing, overtaxed, overstressed body needs to feel utterly feminine, sexual,

and desirable again. So you'll finally look forward to making love with your partner again –

instead of viewing it as another neglected chore.



3. How quickly should I expect to see results?


Many women tell us they see results within as little as 7 days, including:

  • Noticeable increase in sexual appetite
  • Increased fantasies and anticipation of sex
  • Quicker full body arousal
  • More vaginal lubrication, faster
  • Intense sensations in the genital regions

However, please remember that HerSolution™ is designed to help your body recover from nutritional

deficits and hormonal imbalances that are created over time, from ongoing stress, neglect, poor nutrition, lack of exercise,

and more.


So it only makes sense that it takes a little time and patience to restore this natural balance!




  • More regular periods, lighter with less painful cramping
  • A reduction in hot flashes
  • More energy
  • Fewer mood swings & less irritability
  • More intense, pleasurable muscle contractions with orgasms

... Plus much more!




4. I seem to have lost all desire for sex – will HerSolution™ help me?



You'd probably agree that most women could benefit from taking a daily multi-vitamin supplement. Few o​​​​f us get all the nutrients and minerals we need from our diet to stay healthy, right?


Well, HerSolution™ is a daily supplement that directly targets our female sexual response system, fortifying our bodies with essential nutrients we need to operate at our sexual peak while simultaneously helping to bring our hormones back into balance.


And history tells us that HerSolution™ works:


The vast majority of women who take HerSolution™ for a minimum of 90 days report a dramatic increase in their desire for sex.

However, we don't know you... your medical history... your relationship history... your views on sexuality... or the current state of your personal and professional life – all of which can have a BIG impact on your overall desire for sex.


So it's difficult to say with 100% confidence, YES, HerSolution™ will work for you.


If you're not sure why you've lost all desire for sex, a supplement like HerSolution™ is only going to benefit you. And if it doesn't resolve the problem, you know that you need to dig a little deeper and consider speaking with a medical professional.




5. I've never been very sensitive in my genital area? Will HerSolution™ improve this?


Yes, women regularly tell us they've experienced increased sensation in their clitoris, labia, and vaginal regions after supplementing with HerSolution™.

That's because it includes a powerful combination of herbals all designed to promote relaxation while increasing blood flow to your genitals. This has the effect of increasing your overall sensitivity while also improving vaginal lubrication, leading to total body sexual arousal.



6. I've never had an orgasm before. Will HerSolution™ help?


Yes, many women enjoy their first orgasm after beginning supplementation with HerSolution™.


First, HerSolution™ causes the dilation of blood vessels – which enables you to relax and enjoy sexual experiences... without trying so hard.

Second, HerSolution™ includes a number of powerful herbs and nutrients that combine to cause more intense, more frequent muscle contractions – making it easier for you to relax into your first experience with an orgasm.



7. I suffer from vaginal dryness. Will HerSolution™ improve my lubrication?



Yes! Many of the ingredients included in HerSolution™ have a direct impact on vaginal lubrication – increasing how quickly you get "wet" during a sexual encounter, as well as the overall volume of lubrication available during sex.

All women know, it's an erotic cycle:




More Lubrication = Increased Sensation = Increased Desire For Sex

... Which then equals MORE lubrication, and so on.



So yes, a key focus in the formulation of HerSolution™ was increasing women's lubrication early during a sexual encounter,

helping you overcome the common problem of vaginal dryness.





8. I find sex really uncomfortable. Can HerSolution™ change this?



Chances are good that HerSolution™ will help you to begin enjoying sex.

Two key issues make sex uncomfortable for women:


(1) lack of desire and (2) lack of lubrication.


HerSolution™ has been formulated by a team of professionals to address both of these issues, increasing your desire for sex,

increasing blood flow to your genital regions, intensifying arousal, and improving lubrication (which also has a big impact on your enjoyment and desire).

But if sex is painful for you (as opposed to mildly uncomfortable),

we'd recommend that you speak with a medical professional to rule out more serious problems.


And if you've had negative sexual experiences in the past, if you are in an unsupportive or abusive relationship now, or if you received negative messages about sex when you were younger, it might be a good idea to speak with a professional therapist who can help you make sense of these issues.


Women's sexual desire is multifaceted, impacted by MANY different elements both mental and physical.

HerSolution™ helps address the physical. But please be sure to seek the counsel of other medical professionals if you're struggling with more serious pain, physical or emotional!




9. I'm menopausal... Isn't it too late to reclaim my sex drive?


Goodness NO! If you're suffering from lack of sex drive, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, mood swings, and any of the many other symptoms of menopause, you could definitely benefit from HerSolution™.


Women who are both pre- and post-menopausal report enjoying sex lives like never before once they take control of their health and hormones, and bring the necessary balance back to their bodies.


Many of our most loyal clients are menopausal women.


Men have plenty of supplements and prescriptions available to boost their sex drives as they age. Finally, women have the same opportunity to start truly ENJOYING sex again with the help of HerSolution™.



10. What are the ingredients?



Click here now to see a complete ingredient list, with an explanation of why each was included.



11. Are there any side effects?



No, HerSolution™ is completely safe. It contains a few herbal supplements that are NOT recommended for pregnant women. Some women report a slight increase in breast size, as it balances out hormones and helps optimize your entire reproductive system. But that's it!

If you're concerned about potential health risks or conflicts with other medications you may be taking, please speak with your doctor


12. Is HerSolution™ safe if I'm trying to get pregnant?



You should always check with your medical practitioner regarding any supplements or medications you are taking when trying to get pregnant or during pregnancy – even vitamins!








Lesson Summary

When dealing with a lack of enjoyment during sex with your husband, consider the following points:

  • Reflect on past experiences of sexual enjoyment and compare them to your current situation.
  • Explore your sexual desires, fantasies, and turn-ons.
  • Communicate openly with your husband about what feels good for you.
  • Consider seeking therapy to address any underlying issues affecting your sexual satisfaction.

HerSolution™ is a doctor-endorsed daily supplement designed to enhance women's sexual desire and intimacy:

  • It works by balancing hormones and nutrients associated with female sexual response.
  • Results can include increased sexual appetite, quicker arousal, and more intense sensations.
  • It aims to improve various aspects of sexual health, such as vaginal dryness and sensitivity.

If considering HerSolution™:

  • Results may vary, but many women see improvements within 7 days.
  • It targets nutritional deficits and hormonal imbalances that can impact sexual desire.
  • Consult a medical professional if you have specific concerns or medical conditions.

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