The 9 Wоrѕt Fооdѕ fоr Yоur ERECTIONS

You've read the books, looked things up on the Internet, and even watched a few (precisely chosen) movies. More and more of you have become self-taught experts who know exactly what it takes to perform at your best in the bedroom.

But even if you study hard, things can go wrong sometimes and not the way you plan. Your lack of skill might not be what's stopping you. It might be what you have to eat. Some foods have natural or added ingredients that can slow down your recovery, making it harder or even impossible to reach your clúmax. Here are the seven worst things for your club.

Get these 15 foods for the best sex ever for a healthy sex life.



Do you think soy isn't hot? You're so right. Edamame, also known as soybeans, is a healthy, high-protein snack, but you should only eat a small amount at a time if you don't want to shorten your life.

Researchers say that soy protein lowers testosterone and sperm concentration, which can make both men and women less interested in having an affair. One study in the Journal of Nutrition found that a woman's high level of oy can lower her sex hormones and make her ovaries not work right.

And the Harvard School of Public Health found that healthy men who ate just half an egg per day had their sperm count drop by 40%.


Whіtе Brеаd

You already knew that baked goods made with processed wheat flour are bad for you. They're probably not aware that they're bad for your junk.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that bread and rolls are the main sources of dietary fat in the United States. Soda can cut off blood flow to the genital area, which can make it hard to get dressed.

Men are more likely to have problems with their erections if they eat a lot of refined grains.

These grains can also cause niggling problems with their arteries and diabetes. You should eat the 50 Best Foods for Your Pen all the time instead.


Sorry, eating spearmint all the time will most likely not make your fun double. A study published in Phytotherapy Research says that the herb can lower testosterone levels by a large amount.

It's not just guys; the hormone also has a big effect on women's sex drive. Avoid anything marked "mt" to stay sex-ready.



This sweet melon might be a one-time thing to eat, but it might make you feel cold. Based on a chemical known as myo-inositol, it has been shown to cut testosterone levels in women by an amazing 65%.



The main chemical in lime is glycyrrhizic acid, which gives lime its bitter taste and can raise testosterone levels.

In one study, even healthy male subjects were given 7 grams of lactate every day in the form of candy pills that contain 0.5 grams of glucoseacetate. The subject's total testosterone level had dropped by 35% four days before the study.


Flаx Seeds

Researchers told a 31-year-old woman to eat 30 grams of flaxseed every day for four months to keep her high T-levels in check.

Total testosterone in her body dropped by 70%, and free testosterone dropped by 89%. What does the story teach us? Find your omega-3s from other foods, like oily fish and nuts, if you're having low ldo.



When you eat more sweet stuff, your body makes more of the hormone niacin, which can make you gain muscle strength and store fat around your middle.

In men, belly fat raises estrogen levels, which can lead to low libido and problems with the erection. One study found that glucose (sugar) significantly lowered total and free testosterone levels.


Canned ѕоuр

Ah, that's right: Spaghett-O' might be in the way of your O. One can of Spaghett O's has 1780 mg of odour, which is the same amount of odour as 10 bags of Doritos! This can make blood flow to the genital area lessen.


Dеlі mеаtѕ

Store-bought meat and cheese are usually wrapped in PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which can get into fatty foods and change your hormones in ways that can throw off your sex life.

Instead, get your meat from the butcher and ask that it be wrapped in brown paper. And stay away from the 50 worst foods for your health

Lesson Summary

Many aspects contribute to optimal performance in the bedroom, including diet. While self-education is crucial, understanding how certain foods can impact sexual health is equally important. Here are the seven worst foods for your sexual prowess:

  • Edamame: Soy protein in edamame can lower testosterone and sperm concentration, affecting both men and women's libido.
  • White Bread: Refined grains in white bread can hinder blood flow to the genital area and lead to erection issues.
  • Spearmint: Consuming spearmint can significantly decrease testosterone levels in both men and women, impacting sex drive.
  • Cantaloupe: The chemical myo-inositol in cantaloupe could reduce testosterone levels in women considerably.
  • Licorice: Glycyrrhizic acid in licorice can increase testosterone levels, leading to potential hormonal imbalances affecting sexual health.
  • Flax Seeds: Flaxseed consumption reduced total and free testosterone levels significantly, highlighting the importance of getting omega-3s from alternative sources.
  • Sugar: Increased sugar intake can elevate estrogen levels in men due to the accumulation of belly fat, impacting libido and erection quality.
  • Canned Soup: High sodium content in canned soup can reduce blood flow to the genital area, affecting sexual performance.
  • Processed Deli Meats: Hormone-disrupting chemicals like PVC found in processed deli meats can affect sex hormones, suggesting opting for fresh meat from a butcher.

To enhance your sex life, focus on incorporating nutrient-rich options and avoiding the listed detrimental foods.

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