Step 2 ✅10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Intermittent Fasting

What are the most common mistakes in intermittent fasting?



1. Choosing the wrong program for yourself


When you do intermittent fasting, you can choose from different routines. You should try to find something that works with your daily schedule and way of life. If you don't, you might not follow it right or give up on it.

The most popular types of fasting that happen every so often are

16/8: You choose an 8-hour time during the day to eat, and then you don't eat for 16 hours, which usually includes the night.
5:2 Diet: You choose two days a week to eat very few calories (500 to 600), and the other days you eat normally.
Alternate-Day Fasting: On this plan, you eat normally some days and only 25% of your daily calories on other days.
Eat Stop Eat: Once or twice a week, you have to fast for 24 hours.
Warrior Diet: On this plan, you eat very little for 20 hours and all of your meals within 4 hours.
Things to do:

Try out different choices or lengths of time until you find the one that works best for you and makes you feel good.


2. You don’t make a smooth transition

If you were used to snacking and eating every three hours, switching to an 8-hour eating window or going without food for 24 hours straight can be too much and make you hungry, irritable, and negative about the diet.

What to do:

Slowly make the change by lengthening your fasting times over time. You could start with a 10 or 11-hour window and eat often.


3. Consuming too many calories

A lot of people get this diet wrong and eat too much during the allowed hours because they think they earn it or can eat whatever they want. Others get very hungry after fasting and eat a lot of extra calories without realizing it.

What to do:

It takes your brain about 20 minutes to tell you that you're full, so eat slowly and chew each bite well. It can also help you feel full faster to drink water or tea before a meal.


4. Following an excessively strict diet

Some people eat very few calories because they want to lose weight quickly. You may lose fat quickly, but you may also lose muscle and bone strength, which is not what you want.

Also, your body won't get the foods it needs, and you might gain the weight back quickly after you stop the diet.

What to do:

Remember to think carefully about intermittent fasting and keep your own wants, preferences, and health goals in mind.


5. “You’re not choosing the right foods.

A lot of the time, we fool ourselves into thinking that this diet lets us eat anything we want. It should be clear that eating junk food, sweets, processed carbs (like cookies), and meats (like sausages) will make it harder to lose weight and keep your body fit.

What to do:

Eat a lot of fruits and veggies, whole grain cereals, raw nuts that haven't been salted, and foods that are high in protein.


6. You forget to hydrate your body.

At any time during the day, you should never forget or overlook how important water is. If you drink a lot of it, especially during fasting hours, you'll feel full and your body will work better without the risk of getting dehydrated.

What to do:

Depending on your weight, the season, and how active you are, try to drink two to three liters of water or herbal tea every day. If it gets boring or hard, think of smart ways to deal with it, like putting fruit pieces in your water or making plant infusions with herbs. A lot of people choose bone broth because it is so healthy.

Note: Coffee makes you thirsty, so remember to drink a glass of water after drinking it.


7. You drink soft drinks & beverages

If you think that drinking soft drinks or other drinks isn't a big deal when you're trying to lose weight because they're liquids, we have some bad news for you: they have a lot of calories, including "empty" calories that don't give you any nutrients.

On top of that, they taste so sweet that when you eat a piece of fruit, it will probably taste boring and less sweet.

What to do:

Swap them out for smoothies, water, or herbal teas.


8. You’re doing intense exercise at the wrong time

People who are on a diet often do a lot of hard exercise at the same time. But it's hard to do that if you try to do it while fasting and a long time before your next meal. Remember that food is the only way for your body to get the energy it needs to work out well. In addition, it needs to restock its stores after a workout.

What to do:

Work out, but be careful about when you do it. It is important not to get too tired.

Note: Working out is very important while fasting because it helps keep or even build muscle.


9. You’re not getting enough good sleep.

Sleep is very important for the health and balancing of our bodies. It helps our hormones and nervous system work better. Remember that the main goal of a diet should be to improve our health as a whole, and not getting enough or restless sleep doesn't help with that.

What to do:

Put rest and sleep first. At night, try to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Make a schedule and stick to it. Going to sleep and getting up at the same times every day is important. Also, keep your room dark and stay away from screens an hour or two before bed.


10. You give up…

Don't worry if every time you fail at this diet you want to give up and decide it's not for you. It doesn't mean that all of your hard work was for nothing if you ate at the wrong time or ate some bad treats.

What to do:

Allow yourself some time to get used to this new habit. Setting too many rules for plans can cause extra stress. So, keep some room for freedom, or try a different kind of intermittent fasting that works better for you. Even better, get help from a professional.

Remember that different experts have different thoughts on intermittent fasting. It seems to work about the same as other weight loss plans, but not everyone can follow it. If you're worried about your health, see an expert. Also, remember that the most important thing is to listen to your body!



Lesson Summary

In intermittent fasting, several common mistakes can hinder progress:

  • Choosing the wrong program that doesn't align with your lifestyle can lead to difficulties in following the routine or giving up altogether. Common types include 16/8, 5:2 Diet, Alternate-Day Fasting, Eat Stop Eat, and Warrior Diet.
  • Not transitioning smoothly into fasting can cause hunger, irritability, and negativity towards the diet. Gradually increase fasting times rather than abruptly changing.
  • Consuming too many calories during eating windows or compensating with excess calories after fasting can impede weight loss progress. Eat slowly, chew well, and hydrate adequately to avoid overeating.
  • Following an excessively strict diet can result in rapid weight loss, muscle and bone loss, and regain of lost weight after stopping the diet. Consider your health goals and preferences when choosing an intermittent fasting plan.
  • Not selecting the right foods, such as junk food and processed carbs, can hinder weight loss efforts. Opt for fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, and high-protein foods for better results.
  • Forgetting to stay hydrated during fasting hours can affect body functions negatively. Drink sufficient water or herbal teas daily to stay hydrated.
  • Consuming soft drinks and calorie-laden beverages adds empty calories without nutrients. Replace them with healthier options like smoothies, water, or herbal teas.
  • Engaging in intense exercise at the wrong time, especially while fasting, can be counterproductive. Be mindful of when you work out to support your body's energy needs and recovery.
  • Not getting enough good sleep can impact overall health and weight loss goals. Prioritize sleep by maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a conducive sleep environment.
  • It's common to feel like giving up, but persistence is key. Allow time to adapt to the new habit without too many strict rules, and consider seeking guidance from a professional.

Remember that intermittent fasting may not suit everyone, and consulting a healthcare provider is advisable if concerns arise. Ultimately, listening to your body and adjusting as needed is crucial for long-term success.

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