Step 4 ✅My recommended ONLINE Exercise Program to Build Muscle ( For Men - Over 40 years )

HITCHFIT BUILD MUSCLE PROGRAM is an all in one program that will help you achieve the body of your dreams. Build Muscle, Lose Fat, Increase Strength And Gain Confidence.

Furthermore, this plan includes a bulking stage with Get Big workouts and Get Big diet, geared towards increasing your body fat and muscles mass.

Then you go into the cutting phase with a Get Ripped Diet and Get Ripped workouts, which helps you turn your body into a perfect work of art; well sculpted and looking amazing.

It doesn’t matter if you’re just coming into the world of fitness or you’ve been struggling to get your dream body for years, the Get Big Get Ripped Plan will totally transform you beyond your expectations.

The plan comes with a Custom Designed Get Big and Get Ripped Diet. they give you the perfect diet plan, you learn the best time to eat, how much to eat, when to eat and amazing varieties that make you look forward to every meal. No more guessing about what you should be eating.

What works for one person might not work for another individual, which makes it essential that they give each an every one of their clients Custom Get Big and Get Ripped Workouts, each tailored to your fitness needs.

This includes workouts that can be done at home or at the gym –beginner, intermediate or advanced, depending on your current fitness level. Each exercise comes with a video demonstration, in order to help you execute it perfectly and with ease.

With their professional workout plan, you also get proper Cardio Guidance. they teach you how to effectively perform cardio exercises to improve your body mass index, without underworking or overworking yourself.

Supplements are optional, but they still offer a Supplement Guide where you can learn about effective supplements and the best way to take them.

One of the biggest problems people have with fitness is maintenance. You’ve achieve your ultimate fitness goal, but the big question is, “What do i do AFTER?” Without proper maintenance, all your hard work could come crashing down in an instant.

This is why they feel the need to toss in a Maintenance Guide to help you stay healthy and ripped for years to come.

We NEVER abandon their clients, and so by purchasing a Hitch Fit training program, you will have access to weekly email support from the very best in their fitness team. they communicate 7 Days a Week. Feel free to reach out to us when you have any problems.


20 week plan (2 Plans in One)

Unlimited email support

100% custom made

Fully Custom Get Big Workout Plan

Fully Custom Get Big Diet Plan

Fully Custom Get Ripped Workout Plan

Fully Custom Get Ripped Diet Plan

Tips for eating out, on the go or traveling

Hitch Fit Book Download- 130+ Pages Of Inspiration

Mental Preparation Guide

Supplements Guide

Cardio Guide

Maintenance Guide

Getting Fit After 50 Is Possible

I get this question all the time, I am over 50, am I to old to Get Fit?  Getting Fit After 50 Is Possible. Frank shows us how he lost over 30lbs in 12 weeks. We went in and taught him the Hitch Fit lifestyle which included what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, workouts, cardio, supplement recommendations and how to change your mindset.

Hitch Fit takes the guessing out of everything, You just have to follow..

Over 50 and Fit



In January of 2020 I was so happy in life, except for my physical look. Everything in my life was high performing. My spiritual relationship was growing, my marriage was spectacular, my children were thriving, life was great. All but one area of my life. My physical appearance. No health issues. I just looked at pictures of myself and was disgusted to be completely frank.

I made a decision that 2020 was going to be different than previous years. I decided to change my fitness level and not allow life to derail my efforts. Not this time I constantly said to myself.

I started 2020 weighing 239 pounds. That was a breaking point for me. 240 pounds seemed like such a large number to the kid that was always skinny growing up and could never seem to put on weight or muscle. I created my own plan, cleaned up my nutrition some, but certainly not enough, and I got to work and remained consistent. During the year of 2020 I lost right at 40 pounds. I maintained that weight until July of 2021.

In July of 2021, after my wife (who is an ICU cardiac travel nurse) had completed a 13-week assignment taking 40-50 year old’s to the morgue on a regular basis decided she was going to make a change.

We both agreed to go all in and change our physical health. We decided to pursue optimal health.

Fit Over 50



We had been talking about achieving a much higher level of health and fitness and we knew we needed guides that had achieved a high level of fitness. We went all in with Travis and Britt Just’s as our trainers.

My wife and I made a commitment to follow whatever they told us to do. No matter what. The results were amazing by November of that year. We both excelled and the best part our trainers became our good friends as well.

Fast forward to an event called Rockbody where I met Micah LaCerte for the first time. I had no idea who he was, but Travis spoke so highly of him I couldn’t wait to learn from Micah. I did not arrive at that event with the body I wanted.

I was disappointed at myself for not following the meal plan like I should have. The gym part has NEVER been a problem for me! Travis and Brittany had done their job, we however had not. Particularly me. I was just angry at myself for not doing my best.


After listening to Micah tell me that getting fit after 50 is possible and having a “I am not happy with my body moment” at Rockbody, I made another decision.

I was going to make a change and I wanted to follow a Hitchfit program. My wife and I both signed up for a 16-week couples’ program to shed our body fat. We followed the plan, but I would say 75-85%. Not like we should have.

We had some life events that occurred during that time that derailed us a bit. We still made significant progress, but not as much as we had planned. Not because of the plan or the coaching…because we didn’t follow the plan with complete dedication.

In January of 2023 I signed up for another program. This time I wasn’t going to allow anything to become an obstacle. Everything was proceeding well until February. One of my very good friends and mentor, Travis Just passed away in an accident.

I was devestated. I gave myself a day to mourn and decided that I would honor Travis in the only way I knew he would want. Develop the best body that I could by the end of the program.

I channeled my grief and heartache into one more rep and not allowing myself to faulter on the nutrition portion of the program. Micah led me all the way with encouragement and “tough love” when needed. He has a “knack” of knowing when to push your buttons!

I have always known that if you want to go to a level, you have never achieved it is much easier to find a “guide”, a mentor, to lead the way for you. You still have to do the work, but learn from someone that has been there before!

I finished the 12-week Fitness Model program with a trip to Rockbody Retreats in Mexico and celebrated with a photo shoot. I started the 12-week program at 202 pounds and arrived in Mexico at 172 pounds. More importantly than the weight, I drop pounds of body fat and many inches off my body.

My abdominals have become visible for the first time since my early 20’s.

Get Abs After 50

Micah and Hitch Fit has guided me to my best body and fitness level I have ever achieved. I am certainly not finished, as fitness is a relentless pursuit.

A lifestyle of healthful living. I am committed to becoming the best version of myself, and outside of your spiritual well-being, your physical health is most important.

Hitch Fit has been that guiding light in a world filled will an overload of fitness information that cannot always be trusted. I know that Micah will always guide you to become the best version of yourself…sometimes more than you want it for yourself! Getting Fit After 50 Is Possible, I’m Living Proof

How To Get 6 Pack Abs After 45

Holy Smokes.. Look At Those 6 Pack Abs.. At 46 years old (he is now 47) Matt shows us how to get 6 Pack Abs after 45.



Matt day 1 started in a good place but like I tell everyone it’s much more difficult and takes far more discipline to go from ” Good to Great” then it does “Bad to Good”.

He was an athlete but had never learned how to properly take his health and physique to its best place ever. This would be a very exciting journey because Matt would follow everything I taught him.

We would do the Get Big Get Ripped Plan  , So his 1st portion of the program was focusing on adding more muscle and size then we would focus on getting ripped to lose ffat.These 2 phases are very different within nutrition, workouts and cardio. He would finish this transformation with a photoshoot in Mexico at our Rockbody Retreat

Matt, I could not be more proud of you. You look great and healthy as ever to be an even better husband, father, business owner and friend.

Through this journey you have become apart of my inner circle and someone I respect on all levels!!

Love you brother…


Matt’s Results

Day 1- Weight-182lbs , Stomach-34″- Bodyfat%-12.57

Final Results- Weight-182lbs , Stomach-31 3/4″ , Bodyfat%-7.96%

He Gained Nearly 8.5 lbs of Lean Muscle

Matt’s Story

In life I try to keep things relatively simple by focusing on and balancing 5 key principles that are very dear to me. My 5 key areas of focus are my faith, family, finances, fitness, & fun!




In my journey of balancing and focusing on these areas I’ve had many physical (fitness) setbacks. When I was born I had major medical complications, I still have the scars as a daily reminder, with a scar from hip to hip and a smaller one across my abnormal. In the midst of all the surgeries and trying to keep my little body alive the doctors told my parents to make funeral arrangements, however if I did live, I would have major medical complications the rest of my life. God had other plans and I did not die however physical difficulties were not behind me.


When I was a young boy, my family ended up in a major car accident where the car ended up rolling into a ditch, once at the hospital the doctors told my parents it looked like I was going to be paralyzed from the waist down. Once again God had other plans, then while in high school I was ridding ramps with my roller blades, as I was coming out of a spin and landing, my skates hit the ground, went out from under me, I through my left arm back and I snapped my arm in half right at the elbow.




The break was so bad, blood vessels, and muscles torn & the doctors consider amputation. In an effort to save my arm the surgeon performed hours of surgery. Upon coming out of surgery the doctors said this arm will always be weaker and having a full range of motion for this arm was not possible. These are just a few of many setbacks I’ve had physically throughout life. By God’s grace, his healing, and a never give up attuited I’ve been able to overcome.

Despite these set backs and many others I was always very active. As a young kid I would spend hours on end out exploring, playing in the woods, skateboarding, and riding my blue and white GT Performer! When I grew older, I played competitive soccer, ran track, and even pole vaulted.
As I got older time and energy got harder to find. Being a husband, father of 4, and business owner it was becoming hard to find time to take care of myself. I never quite the pursuit of balancing and working on my 5F’s. I competed in two full Ironman triathlon races, several half triathlons, marathons, and I tried to lift weights to keep my mind and body sharp.


As I crossed the line of age 45, I started feeling my age. I’d tell myself “Well I think am not in too bad of shape for my age”, I started believing at some point I can’t keep growing and improving. This was of course was noting but a lie, and I couldn’t believe I was starting to accept that the best was behind me and not before me.

Although I had been relatively active, I was really never disciplined with my nutrition or lifting. I made the decision I was not going to let life happen to me rather I was going to pursue a life by design, seek, and pursue growth.





I knew if I wanted next level results it would take a level gym and trainer. I didn’t need a gym buddy or a trainer seeking to retain me forever. Results and someone who not only talked the talked but also walked it was what I was seeking.

Gym culture can often be toxic. Where the focus is on vanity and skin-deep improvements.

I needed a gym and trainer that had a foundation of faith and an understanding that the body is a precious temple given to us by God to take great care of. This is exactly what I found when I found Hitch Fit.Micah LaCerte and his wife Diana Chaloux LaCerte were not only talking the talk they were walking the walk.

Micah set a plan in motion for me to gain in muscle and confidence. He pushed me to never settle and always realize there is a next level. With his encouragement, guidance, and friendship I have been able to achieve a level of fitness and strength I did not think was possible for me at 47 years old.


I am thankful for Micah and Diana. Their commitment, love, and desire to help others is something that is not commonly found.  Life is short, regardless of your setbacks, obstacles, or challenges it’s important to realize there is always a next level. Micah, Diana, and Hitch Fit help me find my next level. I am forever grateful.

Lesson Summary

The writer expresses gratitude towards Micah and Diana from Hitch Fit online personal training for helping them achieve a level of fitness and strength they didn't think was possible at the age of 47. They appreciate their commitment, support, and belief in helping others reach their goals, emphasizing the importance of realizing there is always room for progress and growth.

  • The HITCHFIT BUILD MUSCLE PROGRAM assists individuals in achieving their desired body shape.
  • The program is structured in two stages: bulking and cutting.
  • The bulking phase aims to increase muscle mass.
  • The cutting phase focuses on reducing body fat.
  • Customized workout routines and tailored diet plans are integral components of the program.
  • Guidance on meal timing and composition is provided.
  • Support for cardio exercises and optional supplement use is available.

The plan includes a Maintenance Guide to help individuals sustain their results long-term. Ongoing support and communication are emphasized for clients. Personal success stories are shared, especially from individuals over 50 seeking to enhance their physical health and appearance. The program is overseen by professionals who offer guidance, motivation, and accountability to assist individuals in effectively reaching their fitness goals.

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