7 things Women Hate While Having Sex

1-What men should not do while having sex


Everyone has their own tastes when it comes to sex. Some people might like long pre-sex play before they make love, while others might just want to start making love and end it fast. It's interesting that a well-known sex toy business in the UK did a study called the Sexual Happiness Study 2019 to learn more about "what sexual happiness actually look like to people of different genders, ages, and sexualities." And the people who did the study have noticed some interesting things.




2-Only seven out of ten women orgasm during sex


According to the study, nine out of ten guys orgasm while they're making love, but only seven out of ten women do the same. That's what the researchers found after asking 3,000 people in the UK, US, and Australia about their sex lives and how important they thought it was to be sexually happy for general happiness.




3-What women don't want


About 30% of the women who took part in the study said they hate feeling self-conscious during sex. For men, the thing that turns them off the most is when it ends too soon. That the study found, other things women don't like about having sex are not having enough foreplay, not having an orgasm, and being stopped. Let's look at some things that can really bother women about sex.




4-Not having enough foreplay


Some women feel very let down when they don't get enough foreplay before getting naughty in bed. Foreplay is like a starter that comes before the main meal. To make sex fun for her, you should really put some time and effort into initiating the act.



5-Making her self conscious


There are many reasons why most people feel bad about their bodies. There are times when a woman might not like her body after giving birth or when she is a little fat right before her period and not like how she looks. Don't believe us? No woman wants to have sex with a man who makes her feel bad about herself. Don't tell her nice things while you're making love to her—remember that it's easy to spot a lie. Make her feel at ease and love her for all the things that are wrong with her.




6-The narcissist


If you're a man who brags about how good your sexual skills are, you need to stop right away. No one, especially a woman, cares about how hot you are in bed or how many sex acts you've done in the past. Narcissism in the bedroom turns most women off.




7-​Repeatedly asking about her orgasm


This is probably one of the worst things that could have happened. Because there are so many mysteries about female orgasm and so many tips on the Internet, it makes sense for a man to want to know if his partner has hit climax or not. But guys should never ask a woman over and over if she had an orgasm.




8-Drilling for the G-spot


For some men, the vagina of a woman is like an oil field, and they drill into it like their lives depend on it to find the mysterious G-spot! Men should never do that during sex. It is up to each woman to decide how deeply she wants to feel her man inside her. Don't take some free online tips and try to impress her by doing some weird things in a deep cave.




9-​Treating her body like an unexplored land



No woman wants her man to treat her body like a new place they have never been to. So, if you want to be a traveler, you shouldn't be in bed.



10-Imitating what you see in porn


Most people learn about sex for the first time through porn. But not everything you see on TV can be used in real life. You are setting yourself and your lady love up for a big disappointment if you keep comparing your sex life to the sexual adventures those hot stars in porn movies have.



Lesson Summary

When it comes to sexual happiness, a study revealed some key insights:

  • Nine out of ten men orgasm during sex, while only seven out of ten women do.
  • 30% of women dislike feeling self-conscious during sex.
  • Women are turned off by insufficient foreplay, lack of orgasm, and being interrupted.

Here are some behaviors men should avoid during sex:

  • Not providing sufficient foreplay, which can disappoint women.
  • Making a woman feel self-conscious about her body can ruin the experience.
  • Avoid being a narcissist by bragging about sexual prowess.
  • Refrain from repeatedly asking about a woman's orgasm, as it can be off-putting.
  • Avoid excessively focusing on the G-spot as if searching for treasure, respecting her boundaries is key.
  • Respect her body and avoid treating it like an unexplored territory.

Lastly, avoid trying to replicate porn scenes, as real-life experiences should not be compared to fictional portrayals.

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