Step 5 ✅Can Kegels Exercises Stop Premature Ejaculation And Help Men Last Longer?


What are Kegels?


Used mostly by women, Kegels exercises (also known as pelvic floor exercises) consist of contracting and releasing the muscles of the pelvic floor (pubococcygeus muscles). These are the group of muscles at the base of your pelvic area and are responsible for urinary control (starting and stopping the flow of urine) and sexual function.



Kegels were invented by Arnold Kegel




They are named for Arnold Kegel, a doctor from the US who was born in 1894. In 1952, he wrote a paper saying that women who did Kegel exercises had an easier time getting an orgasm.

In recent years, men have started doing this practice to treat problems with their ejaculation and urine.



PC Muscle

Kegel exercises for men

It's not just women who can do kegel exercises. Male pelvic floor exercises, also called kegel exercises, can make the muscles in the pelvic floor stronger, which can affect a man's ability to be sexual. For men, doing kegel exercises regularly can help avoid or improve erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. They can also help with other symptoms like leaking and having to go to the bathroom a lot.

This article will help you find your pelvic floor, teach you how to do specific kegel exercises, and explain why it's good to do daily pelvic floor exercises.

Where are your pelvic floor muscles?

You need to know where your pelvic floor muscles are before you can work them out. The muscles in your pelvic floor support your bladder and rectum from the inside, which stops any leaks. That's why kegel exercises can help guys who have problems with holding their urine or feces. Strengthening your pelvic floor can also help your sexual health, which is an extra bonus.


How to locate your pelvic floor muscles:

Imagine you needed to stop yourself from breaking wind or having diarrhoea

Try to stop urination whilst you are in mid-flow

Try to pull your penis inside your stomach (making it shorter)

Those are the groups of muscles you need to get stronger. At first, it's easier to do this while lying down, but soon you'll be able to do the exercises anywhere, at any time. Really great thing about it is that you can work out while you wait for the bus, ride the tube, or talk on the phone.


How to improve pelvic floor muscles

You are ready to work out now that you know where your pelvic floor muscles are and have practiced the method.Kegel exercises are another name for exercises that work the pelvic floor. Do kegels quickly and slowly.

You should do both "slow" and "fast" kegels, which are also sometimes called "quick twitch." This is because it's best to mix up your workouts. Different muscle fibers are worked out by the different speeds.It is important to make sure that you are working the right muscle groups. If you are clenching your buttocks or tightening your stomach muscles, you aren't quite working the right muscles yet.

Slow kegels

Tension up the muscles on the floor of your pelvis for five seconds, then let go for five seconds. Don't hold your breath while you do this.Hold the clench for five seconds, then let go. Try to keep each contraction slow and steady.
Do this as many times as you can. Take a break and rest if it hurts.

Try to hold the movement for longer each time. First it was eight seconds, then ten seconds. Always let go for the same amount of time that you tighten up.

Fast kegels

The same method as slow kegels: squeeze, hold, and let go.
When they do happen, though, they are short and quick. Hold the tightness for one second, let it go, and then tense up again right away.

After doing ten slow kegels, try to do ten fast ones.
Try to make this number bigger over time. Do 15 fast kegels, then 20 fast kegels, and so on.





How often should I practice kegel exercise?

There is only one short answer: as often as you can! Those muscles get stronger as you do them more often. They won't hurt you if you do them 20 or 50 times a day.

But you should do your kegel exercises at least three to five times a day, if not more often. Feel free to practice more if you want to. Do three sets of kegels, one set of slow kegels and one set of fast kegels. That seems like a lot of time, but it shouldn't take more than five minutes. The first few times should take even less time. It shouldn't take more than ten seconds to do three sets of ten fast kegels. It shouldn't take more than two minutes to do five 10-second kegels.

Remembering to kegel exercise

It's best to do your kegel exercises at set times every day so that you don't forget and get into a pattern. These times are good for practice:


When you wake up in the morning
After you go to the toilet
Before you go to bed

You can do kegel movements while sitting at your desk at work. Like when you get there, before lunch, after lunch, or right before you leave.You can also do them every hour if you want to push yourself. Don't forget to set a time, though.

Besides those set times, you can do them on your way to and from work, while you brush your teeth, or even during a meeting...




Benefits of kegel exercises for men

Many guys have problems when their pelvic floor isn't strong enough. A sore pelvic floor can be caused by having surgery on the prostate or pelvis, having trouble going to the bathroom, being overweight, or having a persistent cough.

So doing kegels can help ease the pain that comes from having a weak pelvic floor. Some benefits are:


Reducing leaking urine when you sneeze, cough or laugh
Reducing need to go to the toilet all the time
Reducing the need to urgently going to the toilet and leaking before you get there
Reducing dribble after going for a pee
Improving your ability to control wind
Sexual benefits of kegel exercise

As we already talked about, kegel exercises are good for you in many ways, and they can also help you sexually. Some proof shows that working on your pelvic floor can help with erectile dysfunction (ED) and ejaculation before it's time (PE).

Additionally, kegels can be used along with medicines like Viagra if you have ED or PE. Please keep in mind that the kegel exercise won't work right away, and if your ED or PE is very bad, you should also think about taking medicine.


Kegel exercise for men and erectile dysfunction

Exercises for the pelvic floor can help people with ED. The bulbocavernosus muscle gets stronger when you do kegels regularly.The urethra (urinary tube) is at the base of the penis. The bulbocavernosus muscle, which is sometimes written as BC, covers it. It keeps the erection hard by contracting during an erection. This stops the blood from draining back out. It also helps the sperm "pump up" when you ejaculate.


Kegel exercise for men and premature ejaculation

Exercises for the pelvic floor can also help with ejaculation that happens too soon. Strong muscles in the pelvic floor can help you put off ejaculation. In fact, one study found that it could be more than twice as long before you ejaculate. You need to learn how to use the same muscles that you use to stop urine in its tracks.


Lesson Summary

Kegel exercises, also known as pelvic floor exercises, involve contracting and releasing the pubococcygeus muscles at the base of the pelvic area. Originally popularized for women by Dr. Arnold Kegel, these exercises are beneficial for urinary control and sexual function. Men have also started practicing Kegels to address ejaculation and incontinence issues.

For men, Kegel exercises can help with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, incontinence, and enhance sexual function. These exercises aim to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, providing various benefits across different aspects of male health. Below are key points regarding Kegels for men:

  • Locating Pelvic Floor Muscles: Understanding the location and function of the pelvic floor muscles is crucial to effectively perform Kegel exercises.
  • Improving Pelvic Floor Muscles: Properly executing Kegel exercises involves both slow and fast contractions of the pelvic floor muscles to work different fibers and strengthen the area.
  • Frequency of Practice: Regular practice is essential to see improvements. It is recommended to do Kegel exercises three to five times a day, with a combination of slow and fast contractions.
  • Remembering to Exercise: Establishing a routine for Kegel exercises at specific times during the day helps in maintaining consistency and ensuring adherence to the practice.
  • Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Men: Kegels can aid in reducing urine leakage, improving bladder control, alleviating pelvic pain, and enhancing sexual health for men.

Kegel exercises offer a holistic approach to male health, addressing various physical issues and improving sexual function. Regular practice and proper technique are essential for maximizing the benefits of these exercises.

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