Step 3 ✅How to Detox Your Liver in 6 Easy & Simple Steps

by dr kotb and his team

Liver cleanse - Dr. Axe

How well your body gets rid of and purges toxins affects your health and well-being. Most people need a serious detox because they are exposed to toxins in the surroundings, in body care products, and in processed foods. This can be done with a liver cleaning.

The liver is one of the main ways that the body gets rid of toxins. In fact, the liver works harder than any other organ in the body. It cleans our blood, makes bile (which helps break down fats), breaks down hormones, and stores vitamins, minerals, and iron that our bodies need. When the liver isn't working at its best, it can't break down food properly, especially fats.

Some of the most important things the liver does are:

Processing nutrients that are taken by the intestines so that they are absorbed better

Keeping the balance of protein, fat, and sugar in the blood

Getting rid of old red blood cells

Making chemicals that are needed to help blood clot properly

The process of breaking down and using drugs and alcohol

Making cholesterol and important proteins

Getting rid of bilirubin, ammonia, and other toxins from the body

Putting away nutrients, iron, and vitamin A

The liver needs to be able to work at its best so it can take care of the body.A lot of people think of cirrhosis when they hear the word "liver disease." Cirrhosis is a very bad disease, but alcoholism is not the only reason, despite what most people think.

Along with drinking, there are a number of other things that can damage the liver and cause cirrhosis, such as

Eating uncooked shellfish

Some medications (including acetaminophen)

Chronic malnutrition

Eating poisonous wild mushrooms and exposure to chemicals

Chronic hepatitis B

When scar tissue grows over the liver's good cells, you have cirrhosis. The liver's ability to work is getting worse as the scar tissue keeps growing. The next step in the process is liver failure, which happens when the scar tissue does so much damage to the liver that it can't work anymore.

Liver Cleanse Effectively Removes Toxins

We have a lot of natural toxins in our homes, at work, and in the food we eat everyday. To stay healthy and happy in general, we need to take care of our livers. Here are some of the things that can put you at risk for having problems with your liver.

Low potassium levels 

Heavy alcohol abuse

Intravenous drug use

Blood transfusions prior to 1992

Exposure to certain industrial chemicals and environmental toxins

Unprotected sex

Obesity and a diet high in saturated fats, and processed foods

Tattoos or body piercings

High levels of triglycerides in the blood

Prescription medications including acetaminophen

Viral infections

Autoimmune diseases

Signs and Symptoms Your Liver Isn’t Functioning Optimally

If you've recently noticed any of these signs, your liver may not be working as well as it should. If any of the above risk factors apply to you, it is especially important to pay attention to these signs.

Bloating and gas

Acid reflux and heartburn


Skin and/or eyes that are yellowish (a symptom of jaundice)

Inability to lose weight

High blood pressure

Moodiness, anxiety or depression

Dark urine


Chronic fatigue

Excessive sweating

Bruise easily

Poor appetite

You can help your liver work better, which is good news. About two weeks after doing a full liver cleaning, you should start to feel better.

6-Step Liver Cleanse

Follow these six steps to help boost your health and vitality:

1. Remove Toxic Foods from Your Diet

Your liver health is at risk if you eat a lot of processed foods. This is because these foods are basically bad for liver health. Hydrogenated oils, excess sugar, fast foods, and lunch meats are all known to be bad for you.

Hydrogenated oils, which are also called "trans fats," have more saturated fat than other fats. To make the oil last longer, the chemical makeup of the oil has been changed. Trans fats make the chance of heart disease 25 percent or higher, which is a huge increase. Some people also think that trans fats weaken our defense systems and cause inflammation all over the body.

Added nitrates and nitrites are often found in fast food, convenience foods, and lunch meats. They have been linked to major health problems. These chemicals are used to keep food fresh so it lasts longer, stops bacteria from growing, and keeps the flavor.

Right away, switch these foods out for healthy ones that are better for your liver. Because they taste great, healthy foods can help your liver stay healthy, and you can make tasty meals for your family that are also healthy.

Instead of store meats for quick lunches and after-school snacks, roast your own organic chicken breast and turkey breast. Instead of chips and other prepared foods, eat fresh fruit, carrot sticks, nuts, and granola bars that you make yourself.

A healthy food is important, but it's also important to make sure your digestive enzymes are working right. Trouble with liver enzymes can also lead to liver disease and may be connected to gastrointestinal illnesses like Crohn's disease.

2. Drink Raw Vegetable Juice

Many times, it's not possible to eat all the raw greens you need for your liver cleanse. But it's easy to get the 4–5 servings of fresh, organic veggies you need by juicing different kinds of raw vegetables. In a fresh vegetable juice, you can hide even the veggies you don't like and still enjoy them!

If your liver isn't working as well as it should, juicing vegetables can help make them easier to digest and more easily available for absorption.

Cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are all vegetables that are great for cleansing the liver. That might not sound like a very tasty combination, but you can add other veggies you like, like cucumber, carrots, beets, and greens.

All of these veggies help to lower the amount of acid in the body, which makes the pH balance more balanced. Try out your best flavor combinations. To make the juices more enjoyable, you can add fresh herbs like mint, parsley, and others.

Try my Orange Carrot Ginger Juice, which is good for kids. For a liver cleanse to work, you must eat fresh, organic carrots.

Beta carotene is changed into vitamin A in the liver. This helps the body get rid of toxins and cuts down on fat in the liver.

The large amount of fiber helps keep your digestive system healthy and speeds up the process of getting rid of toxins from your body.

Ginger root has strong anti-inflammatory compounds that help soothe the digestive system and get rid of gas in the intestines. Fresh oranges in this dish not only make it tangy and sweet, but they also add a lot of vitamin C, extra vitamin A, and vitamin B6.

3. Load Up on Potassium-Rich Foods

Are you getting the 4,700 mg of potassium that you should every day? Most likely, you're not. Foods that are high in potassium can help lower your systolic blood pressure, cholesterol, and support a healthy heart. They can also help clean out your liver. If you want to take potassium supplements but don't want to, try eating these healthy foods instead.

Sweet Potatoes

It's a surprise that the banana is not the source of the most potassium. That's the sweet potato. A medium-sized sweet potato has a lot of fiber and beta carotene, as well as almost 700 milligrams of potassium.

Some of the best vitamins for you, like B6, C, D, calcium, and iron, are all in a sweet potato. The sugars are naturally sweet, but they are released slowly into the bloodstream by the liver, so the blood sugar doesn't rise.

Tomato Sauces

Tomato sauce, mush, or paste have a lot more potassium and other good nutrients than other tomato forms. One cup of fresh tomatoes has only 400 milligrams of potassium, while one cup of tomato puree has 1,065 milligrams. Make sure that the tomato sauce, paste, or mush you buy is made from only organic tomatoes.

Cut organic tomatoes in half and roast them face down in the oven at 425 degrees F for 30 minutes, until the skin has dried out. This will make your own concentrated tomato sauce. Take it out of the oven and let it cool down. Take off the skins and use a food processor or mixer to crush them slowly. You can strain to get rid of the seeds if you want to. Pour into a Dutch oven and cook for one to two hours, until it gets thick.

Beet Greens and Spinach

Each cup of beet greens has over 1,300 milligrams of potassium and a lot of vitamins. You can make fresh veggie juice with beets and beet greens, chop them up and add them raw to salads, or sauté them briefly like you would any other green. Beets also clean the gallbladder naturally and make bile move better.Adding fresh organic spinach to your diet is easy, and each piece has 840 milligrams of potassium, which is a lot.


Kettle beans, lima beans, and white beans are all high in fiber, protein, and potassium. In your favorite hummus recipe, use one of these potassium-rich beans instead of garbanzo beans. It goes well with celery and carrot sticks.

Blackstrap Molasses

This rich, natural syrup has 10% of the daily recommended amount of potassium in just 2 teaspoons. Blackstrap syrup has a lot of iron, calcium, manganese, and copper, as well as potassium.

You can add blackstrap molasses to your diet by using it instead of other natural sweeteners. It can be used to make barbecue sauces or put on top of oatmeal or quinoa mush in the morning. When two teaspoons are added to coffee, the sweetness gets stronger while the acidic taste gets weaker.


Finally, make your favorite drink even better by adding a banana. The banana only has 470 milligrams of potassium, which is less than some of the other foods on this list that are high in potassium. During a liver cleanse, bananas are very important because they help the body get rid of toxins and heavy metals and aid in digestion.

Note: If your kidneys have a lot of potassium, you should eat things that are high in potassium in moderation.

4. Coffee Enemas

Coffee enemas can help with constipation, make you feel less tired, and clean out your stomach.

An enema only affects the lower part of your large intestine and can be done at home. A colonic, on the other hand, affects the whole gut and must be done by a professional away from home.
During the enema, the organic coffee stays in your intestines, which lets the fluid pass through the intestine wall and into the liver.
This wakes up your body and makes more bile flow, which helps your gallbladder and liver get going.

This causes your body to make glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps get rid of toxins that have built up in your system.

During liver cleanses, it's important to flush out the toxins so they don't build up and leave your body fast.
A pot should have 3 cups of filtered or distilled water and 2 tablespoons of organic ground coffee. It should be brought to a boil.

Slowly cook for 15 minutes, then set aside to cool. Use the cheesecloth to strain the liquid and put it in your enema kit. Hold on to the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes, and then let go.
It is best to talk to a doctor before trying to do a coffee enema on your own if you have had problems with enemas in the past. If this is your first time trying a coffee enema, it's best to do it with the help of a medical professional or someone watching you. However, some people feel fine going straight into the process.

People who are pregnant or have kids shouldn't usually do coffee enemas because the caffeine can make them sick.

5. Take Milk Thistle, Dandelion and Turmeric Supplements

Milk Thistle

People think of milk thistle as the "king" of herbs that clean the body, which makes it perfect for a liver cleanse. Heavy metals, prescription drugs, environmental pollutants, and booze can build up in the liver. Milk thistle can help get rid of these substances.

Another benefit is that it lessens the damage done to the liver by chemotherapy and radiation. The main part silymarin helps make the liver's cell walls stronger and supports healthy renewal.
You can take milk thistle as a supplement or make a detox tea with it to clean out your liver.


Antidepressants work well with turmeric, and it also helps digestion, restores a healthy blood sugar balance, and supports healthy liver tissue and metabolism (7).
At the moment, experts are looking into how turmeric can help with a number of illnesses and conditions, such as Alzheimer's, cancer, depression, osteoarthritis, breast health, prostate health, and chronic pain.

Dandelion Root

Most people don't like dandelion because it grows in their yards every spring. The flower and its root, on the other hand, are full of minerals and vitamins.

Dandelion root naturally makes you pee more, which helps your liver get rid of toxins faster. Plus, it boosts your immune system, keeps your blood sugar in check, eases heartburn, and calms stomach problems.

In the same plant family as dandelions, burdock root is another choice that can help detox your body by cleaning the blood, which helps the liver work better. Thistle and dandelion root can both be taken as supplements or in the form of a cleaning tea.

6. Eat Real Liver or Take Liver Tablets

Vitamins A and B, folic acid, choline, iron, copper, zinc, chromium, and CoQ10 are all found in large amounts in the liver of young, healthy, grass-fed cow or chicken. Living things like liver are very healthy for us.

Seek a supplement that guarantees no hormones, pesticides or antibiotics are used in the feeding and care of the cattle.



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Testimonials from Customers :


Definitely beneficial. - Chris


I was recommended liver support + by a friend, pleased with the results.

Good for detox - Alana


I thought I would start using as part of a detox month, I'm now 6 months in and feeling great!

Would recommend - Kyle


I highly recommend this product for liver cleansing. I can't believe how much it has cleaned me out! Very happy, thank you guys.
 Yes, I would recommend this product



Lesson Summary

Kyle highly recommends a liver cleansing product, expressing his satisfaction with its effectiveness in cleaning him out and improving his well-being. He enthusiastically encourages others to try it.

The text delves into the importance of detoxification for one's health, particularly focusing on the liver's critical role in eliminating toxins from the body. It covers:

  • The various functions of the liver
  • Factors that can harm the liver
  • Signs indicating liver dysfunction
  • Steps to enhance liver health through natural detoxification, including:
  • Removing toxic foods from the diet
  • Drinking raw vegetable juice
  • Consuming potassium-rich foods
  • Using coffee enemas
  • Taking supplements like milk thistle, dandelion, and turmeric
  • Eating real liver or taking liver tablets

The text stresses the significance of supporting liver health through effective detoxification methods to promote overall well-being.

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