🔥 19 "Success Stories" From People Who used Our Recommended Belly Fat Burning 💊 Supplements

  • 4 pounds in 3 weeks 
  • I don't know if the testimonials at your site are real or just made up (sorry if that sounds insulting, you just don't know these days) ... But I wanted to send you an email from a REAL person with REAL results. I've been on your Lean Optimizer 3 weeks now. I used 2 caps a day the first week, 4 caps a day the second week and then 5 capsules this third week. So, I'm almost done with my first bottle.
  • ... The results? Well, after just 3 weeks, I've lost 4.5 lbs and almost 2 dress sizes, which is the amazing part. I usually need to lose more then just 4-5 lbs for two whole dress sizes. As an added bonus, my breasts are still the same cup size?!! I'm sure they will begin to lose some size as I lose more weight, but I've never had them stay this full while dieting. Usually, my breasts lose the weight first, which is just horrible!
  • I don't know what you have in your product and why it's working so well. Four pounds may not be much, but I haven't changed a single thing in my life - not diet or working out (that's for next month) and I seem to have lost most of the fat off my lower butt area and outer thighs. I'm about to order 3 bottles right now. I'm a true believer and a life-long customer. Both my husband and I are very appreciative
  • Meredith (mearbear***@aol.com)

  • best way to lose fat 
  • I lost 6 kilos in 2 months by the help of diet, cardio and this product. if u combine all, u can see the differences

  • very good 
  • I combine it with CHEATmeals and I get very good results in my weight loss, especially around my mid section.

  • one of the best 
  • one of the top fat loss product in the market. It's not very popular, but it is one of the best i've ever tried.

  • losing size all over 
  • An excellent result. Minus 5cm. - Arms, 6cm. - Waist, 7cm. - Hip

  • my first impression 
  • fast shipping, good support and very friendly. Less appetite. It's only been 6 days so far, but my first impression is very good.

  • very good 
  • I lost 2kgs in the first week alone! Everyone commented on my weight loss! :) By the way... im a lazy creature, I rarely exercise, but you will lose weight and see noticeable results with this doing something as simple as walking.

  • Takes away the appetite 
  • It takes away the appetite well. Not many side effects, except maybe a slight buzz in the head. I don't take it at night because you won't sleep. I will use it until I lose 15 pounds.

  • the best i've ever tried 
  • it really works, I lost weight very easy and smooth. This supplement suppress the appetite without making me nervous. I was fighting with my 4-6 pounds with no results for more than 4 years, supposed it was related to the age...I am 45, but this one works really nice. I have ordered it first 4 months ago and took less than the suggested intake. Recently I got my 3 bottle. I love it!!!!!

  • buying more today can't be lazy 
  • Sometimes we get lazy and we procrastinate and that's what happen to me a few months ago. I had ordered your product, used it up and then got lazy and just forgot to get more. I then went to the local health food store and basically picked up something that the employee at GNC recommended.
  • This other product worked, but not as good as yours and it cost more too. But I noticed that the effects wore off after a month of use. ... So anyway, I re-ordered your product and this time I ordered 3 bottles to stock up. 3 weeks since re-using your product I once again feel back to normal and my workouts are better and mentally I feel better. I've only lost about a pound, but it for sure feels and looks more and the trainer at the gym did a body fat test on me and said I've lost 3% in the past month since using your product.
  • Maybe I've also gained some muscle because I can eat so much better while taking your fat burner. I don't crave bread or candy at nights
  • Michelle Simpson (micsim****@jnli.com)

  • lost 54 lbs so far 
  • I've used a couple of your products in the past with good results and about a year ago I started using Lean Optimizer to help me lose my "menopause" weight. I wanted to let you and everyone know that I've lost a total of 54 pounds in 10 months. And I know Lean Optimizer had a lot to do with it because every time I ran out and stopped using it, my weight loss slowed down and stopped. My entire life is better now. I no longer have to take my diabetes medication either. My family and I want to thank you dr. Robbins for all your help, information and quality products that really do work. God bless!!!
  • Sue Hodson (su***@shaw.ca)

  • very good, highly recommended 
  • For most of my life, I've always been a bit 'chubby'. I guess it's just a genetic thing. My sweet tooth hasn't helped out of course. =) Now that I'm about to turn 40, I've realized the 'chubby' has simply turned into UGLY FAT! For a solid 16 months, I tried a lot of fat burning supplements and altered my diet, my workouts and everything else in my life to get rid of this life-long fat. Most of the supplement didn't work, but that's not that surprising. Now, some did, but it wasn't a long-term effect and I always felt nervous or overly anxious on these other fat burning supplements.
  • One of the head trainers at my gym here in Santa Monica referred me to your product and SWORE by it. Well, I didn't expect much, but I figured it couldn't hurt to give it a try with summer coming and all. You'd be pleased to know the effects have been very, very, very positive. So far, it's worked the best at getting rid of my body fat. But the really neat part is that it's KEEPING IT OFF. Yes, I still have to take it, but it seems that as long as I'm on it, I feel and look great.
  • The product doesn't stop working like other do after a few weeks. Plus, it's really killed my sugar craving and the extra energy means more cardio at the gym. So, I'm really doing well and super happy with your product. It's really well done. Thanks ... I'll keep you posted on my results
  • Marc (diww***@ca.rr.com)

  • i've lost and kept of 23 lbs 
  • Most of my life, I've been overweight. It runs in my family I guess because both my parents are on the "heavy" side. ... No matter what I do, how well I eat, how much I workout ... the fat takes a lot longer to come off, with much more effort then someone else. My younger brother turned me on to your Lean Optimizer about 5 months ago because he wrestles in college and uses it. I've been using your product 3 months on/1 month off this entire time and I've lost and kept off 23 lbs so far! I'm very excited and will keep you posted on my results the rest of the year.
  • Beth Thomas (bbts***@hotmail.com)

  • lost fat, have more energy 
  • I know your stuff works ... but the really good part is that I've got a lot more energy now and I can workout even more then before. THAT in turn is helping me lose even more fat and get in better shape. Another bonus is that I can go out with my friends more often as well since I'm not so run down all the time from my workouts and as well, my low calorie diet. So, my social life is greatly enhanced too.
  • Jason Gill (jmcg****@aol.com)

  • it's a best seller in all our stores 
  • I own a few supplement stores, 4 to be exact. They're no GNC, but they help pay the bill and I have a very loyal following. I wanted to let you know that about 4 months ago, after hearing about your Lean Optimizer, I decided to purchase your product. It worked very well for me, as well as for my wife too. So, we decided to carry your product in our stores. It's been about 10 weeks since we started selling your Lean Optimizer and things are going great. The repeat sales for this product is MUCH BETTER then our other fat burners. it's become very obvious from the repeat sales, as well as the customer feedback that your product really out does the competition. I wish your company the best of luck and I look forward to testing out your other products.
  • Jakie & Markus Jackson (jmj***@aol.com)

  • me and all the trainers recommend it 
  • I can't name the gym that I work out, but we have our own line of supplements, one of them being a fat burner. But me and three of the other trainers all recommend your product because it just works so much better and are clients are happy and getting really good results. So, it kinda makes us look even better as trainers. LOL ... hehe ... bottom line, it works and it's making everyone happy. Thanks.
  • Tony (DoublexTon***@aol.com)

  • zero negative effects 
  • A friend of mine told me about your fat burner product. I had my husband do some research on it as he was concerned about Josh's weight gain as well (my husband is a doctor) and we decided to put Josh on your product for one month and see how he would do. ... He hasn't had any side effects and he's lost about 3-4 lbs. But most importantly, his attitude has changed recently. I'm not sure why, but I'm glad whatever the reason may be
  • Shelly Hanson (shelmo*****@msn.com)

  • lost over 22 lbs of fat 
  • Hi Sam ... Just a quick note to let you know what my doctor said with my recent check up. I've been using your Lean Optimizer for 4 months straight now. I've lost 22 lbs and seriously, I have MORE energy then ever before and feel amazing and sex drive is up and I feel alive again. Now, if that isn't great, my doctor said my blood pressure and cholesterol were back in the normal ranges and everything was fine. The only thing he said that was getting near the "high" ranges is my thyroid and I guess that's good and that explains my faster metabolism and more energy. Your product really is exercise in a bottle ... actually, it's HEALTH in a bottle. I love it. I don't think I'm every going off!!!
  • Jason Misseri (dadz44***@sbcglobal.net)

  • lost 17+ lbs, 2 dress sizes - life long customer 
  • ... Dear Sam. I'm very new to the world of health and fitness. My family has always told me that "supplements" are not healthy or natural and that they are bad for me and so forth. Unfortunately, my father died about 7 months ago due to a heart attack (his 3rd one) and my mother is ill with adult onset diabetes. So, with that said ... I've realized that being "natural" isn't necessarily healthy either as both my parents have been unhealthy for many years.
  • About 5 months ago I decided I needed to make a change in my life or else, I would also follow in their foot steps and have many health complications as I get older and there would be a burden on my children. So, I decided I would join a gym and get a personal trainer and begin eating better and adding in my supplements to aid in my new life-style. I lost 17 lbs the first 2 months and I was very excited!
  • But, things slowed down and I began to gain weight again because I had cravings. My personal trainer suggested I take your Lean Optimizer product since he also thought my metabolism had begun to slow down with the dieting. Almost 10 weeks ago I started taking your Lean Optimizer product and since then, I've lost an additional 11 lbs. BUT, my trainer says I've lost more fat because my muscle weight has gone up. I've also lost an additional 2 dress sizes and luckily, my breasts haven't shrunk as much as when I lost the first 17 lbs without the aid of your product.
  • I am so happy with the results. Your Lean Optimizer is a very healthy and safe product that delivers results better then my expectations. Thank you so much. You have a life-long customer AND friend. Bless you!
  • Agnes Marjami (amam8****@aol.com)

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