Step 1 ✅+Hоw to Stор Prеmаturе Ejасulаtіоn ( Non Diet- Non Supplements Methods )

A common problem that most men have at some point in their lives is ejaculating too soon, which means before they or their partner wanted them to. Several things can affect when ejaculation happens, but it can be managed with some planning or, in the worst cases, medical help. There are some things you can do to stop ejaculating too soon and improve your sexual health.


Method 1:Changes іn thе Bedroom

Rеduсе аnxіеtу.

For many men, stress and not being able to perform are major causes of ejaculating too soon. Take it easy and remember that your partner probably cares about more than just the timing of your orgasms. Also, ejaculating too soon doesn't mean you can't be good in bed.

Step away from the idea of climaxing. Instead of seeing incontinence as just a way to get an orgasm, think of it as a time to relax and enjoy your partner's company, even if you don't ejaculate. Talk to your partner about this new way of thinking so that he or she can stop pressuring you, whether they mean to or not.




Thіnk nоnѕеxuаl thoughts.

If you feel like you're getting too excited, think about something dull, uninteresting, or boring, like math, rush hour traffic, or baseball. Think about it for just long enough to take a short break from everything else, like 5 to 10 seconds. Then turn your attention back to your partner. It's best not to think about something that will stress you out or make you lose your focus.


Try edging.

If you want to keep your sexual desire high while slowing ejaculation, you can practice edging, also known as organ control. It takes work at first, but it gets easier over time. The National Institutes of Health recommends these two ways to stop ejaculating too soon:

o The stop-and-tart method: Do what you normally do until you feel like your elf is getting too close to waking up. Stop everything all of a sudden for 30 seconds, and then start again. Keep doing this until you're ready to ejaculate.

o Squeeze method: Take a normal breath until you feel like you're about to lose your focus. Stop what you're doing and gently squeeze your thumb and forefinger around the pen where the glan and haft meet. Your partner could do this for you. When you're done pressing for a few seconds, stop all pressure for thirty seconds and then start again. Keep doing this until you're ready to come.


Chаngе роѕіtіоnѕ.


Some intercourse poets put a lot of pressure on the glan (or the most interesting part of the pen). Do these things:

Try the "passive" point of view. Lay down next to your female partner or try a de-by-de (or poon) position.

o Stay away from "active" jobs. You might want to take modular and rear-entry points off the table for now because they put the most stress and strain on the glan.

Tаkе іt slow.

If you are sensitive, slowing down your movements and choosing a softer, more teasing course may help you avoid orgasm for longer. If you feel like you're about to come, tilt your head back for a bit, move around, or take a break to imitate your partner in some other way.


Fосuѕ оn foreplay.

Sometimes having a "premature" frame of mind. You can still give your partner a great sexual experience even if you ejaculate quickly during intercourse by making the foreplay longer, more personal, attentive, and creative. You may not need or want a long session of sex to make your partner happy if you stimulate them enough with your body, your voice, or a toy.



Mеthоd 2: Exеrсіѕеѕ and Training

Dо PC muѕсlе exercises.

You can have more control over ejaculation if you stretch and strengthen your pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. Keep in mind that these are also known as Kegel exercises, which you may have seen women do. The muscle was the same in both exercises.

o Find your PC muscle. Right behind your tooth, put one or two fingers. As if you were urinating, try to stop the flow with a quick contraction of the muscles. That muscle you just used to stop the urine from coming out of your bladder is called your PC muscle.

o Flex the muscle often. Do sets of 10 to 20 squeezes twice or three times a day. When you're bored or stuck in one place, like at your work or in traffic, do a set. It will be impossible for anyone to see you do them.

When you feel like ejaculating, squeeze your PC muscle. When the muscle gets strong enough, you should be able to stop it, like when you no longer need to pee.

Prасtісе controlling your оrgаѕm.

Focus on getting a better handle on your cl²max while masturbating or with a patient partner. Push yourself to the edge of cl max and then go all the way to the top. Do this several times before you go to bed. As you work on it, learn to recognize the feeling of getting close to organization. Also, keep track of how close you can get and still stop, and know when you've hit a "point of no return." If you get too close too soon during the course, use what you know to slow down or change how you move.



Mеthоd 3: Medical Intеrvеntіоn

Sее a dосtоr.

If you usually ejaculate more than 15 minutes after starting a sexual encounter and none of the fixes above have helped, you may need to see a doctor. If you need help, you can see a urologist, an ex-therapist, a psychologist, or a psychiatrist.

Knоw whаt trеаtmеnt орtіоnѕ to еxресt.

The treatment your doctor suggests will depend on your age, health, and sexual history, but here are some of the most common ways to get help:

o A high-quality medicine with an anesthetic that is put directly on the pen and lowers penle entanglement. In the US, you can now buy a couple of topical over-the-counter medicines. A doctor can help you choose which one to use.

o A short-acting SSRI: Researchers think that erotonin affects ejaculation and have found that a certain type of selective erotonin reuptake inhibitor can help slow it down.


o A mild оrаl аnаlgеѕіс.

o A trі-сусlіс аntі-dерrеѕѕаnt.

o Intracavernous vasodilator therapy: If things get really bad, your doctor might suggest injecting a vasodilator straight into your pen before the procedure. Even though this is a successful opt-in, it's not something to start with.

o Ex-therapy for mental health. If your doctor thinks that your PE is mental or emotional, they may suggest that you see a counselor to talk about, figure out, and get over your sexual anxiety or hangup.


Sometimes ejaculating too soon is a sign of a deeper problem that needs to be treated. These issues include:

o Dіаbеtеѕ


o Hіgh blооd pressure


o Alcohol or drug аbuѕе


o Multiple ѕсlеrоѕіѕ


o Prоѕtаtе dіѕеаѕе


o Dерrеѕѕіоn


o A hоrmоnаl іmbаlаnсе


o Prоblеmѕ with уоur nеurоtrаnѕmіttеrѕ. Nеurоtrаnѕmіttеrѕ are thе chemicals that соnvеу ѕіgnаlѕ іn уоur brain.


o Abnоrmаl rеflеxеѕ in your ejaculatory system


o A thуrоіd condition


o An іnfесtіоn in уоur рrоѕtаtе оr urеthrа


o Damage from surgery оr trаumа. Thіѕ іѕ not соmmоn.


o An inherited соndіtіоn.


Aѕk your doctor about Dароxеtіnе (Prіlіgу).

This drug is similar to selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, but it was made to treat ejaculating too soon. There is a new drug that is often the first thing your doctor will try to treat this problem. You will take this medicine one to three hours before you go to the bathroom.

o Do nоt tаkе it mоrе than one tіmе реr dау. It could lead to side effects like headaches, insomnia, and feeling sick.

Men who have problems with their heart, liver, or kidneys should not do it. It might also react with other medicines, like other ant-depressants.

The SSRIs paroxetine, sertraline, fluoxetine, and citalopram are some other choices.

Most people don't feel the full benefits of SSRIs (which are taken every day, unlike Dapoxetine) until about two weeks after they start taking them.

Talk to your doctor about other drugs that can make you wait to orga.

The Food and Drug Administration has not approved these drugs for use in treating early ejaculation because they are known to make orga take longer. Your doctor may tell you to take them every day or as needed.

o Another ant predator. Other SSRIs that can be listed are sertraline (Zoloft), paroxetine (Paxil), fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem), and the trcyclic clomifamine (Anafranil). Side effects may include headaches, dry mouth, drowsiness, and less interest in sex.

The drug Tramadol (Ultram). This medicine is used to treat pneumonia. One affect is that it can make you wait to ejaculate. Some other side effects are feeling sick, getting headaches, and feeling lightheaded.

o Inhibitors of phosphodiesterae-5. A lot of people use these medicines to treat erectile dysfunction. Some of these are vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn), tadalafil (Cialis, Adcirca), and sildenafil (Viagra, Revatrol). It can cause headaches, sweating, changes in libido, and stuffy noses.

Mеthоd 4: Quісk Fіxеѕ

Wеаr a соndоm.

Many men say it's too good to be true, but it's true for many. Most men get less spermatozoa when they wear condoms, which should make the time before they ejaculate longer.

Stay away from condoms that say they are extra thin. You can always switch to a different brand later if you want more excitement.

The inside of some condoms is covered with a gel that makes the light go away. This can help you wait longer to ejaculate without making your partner feel numb. (Just make sure you know where the deer are before you put it on.)


Uѕе a аnаlgеѕіс cream оr ѕрrау.

The e goods can be broken down into two groups. First, there's the traditional "numbing" cream and spray that's been around for a while. The up side is that you'll feel less energized, which will make you wait longer to ejaculate. The bad news is that your partner may be going through a lot of feelings right now, and of course, having a sensitive encounter isn't always a good idea, no matter what.

Yes, there is a new type of top-notch medicine that can be absorbed into the knuckle to numb the nerve below the penis's stratum corneum (top layer of skin). This lets men control their ejaculation but with less sexual desire, and it lowers the projection to the partner. Products that meet FDA 21CFR 348.10 and have a "eutectic formula" are the best for absorption.

Put deliberate pressure on them. If you know a little about anatomy, you can use pressure on one of two pots to delay an ejaculation that is about to happen.

Pressure on the prostate: Putting pressure on the prostate, which is halfway between your crotch and your anus, will help you stop ejaculating because the pressure will reach the prostate gland. It's the prostate that contracts and expands during an orgasm and then flushes out the sperm. You can ask your partner to put love pressure on you.

o Tete tug: When a man gets close to an orgasm, his scrotum moves closer to his body. If you slowly pull your tee up and away from your body, you can put off ejaculating. This can also be done by your partner.



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